Descripción de la sección
This course includes the following sections:
An introduction to the transport industry and information on chain of responsibility and delivery documentation;
An outline of the types and characteristic of cargos and goods and range of different delivery sites;
Load capacity and how to calculate load weight and placement to safely load and transport goods and cargo;
How to secure and restrain various loads using a number of methods; and
Housekeeping and cleaning example.
Most of the content has been downloaded from a site called the (Australian) National Vet Content which was related to Flexible learning toolboxes. These sites are no longer available after 30/06/16 and as such the content has been uploaded here to enable the free access and use of these resources. Some of the links may no longer work and some references may be outdated, especially if units of competency are embedded or noted. However, the overall content is still valuable and you are advised to ensure related legislative and regulatory requirements are current and relevant to your location.
Enjoy and remember load safety is road safety!
An introduction to the transport industry and information on chain of responsibility and delivery documentation
Actividades: 4 -
A WORK IN PROGRESS from here on
Actividades: 1 -
Actividades: 0
Actividades: 1
Actividades: 0
Actividades: 0
Actividades: 0
Actividades: 0
Actividades: 0
Actividades: 0